Sunday, August 10, 2014

“Catch Them Young” ?

The impression and pictures inculcated into a child’s mind lasts for long. Perhaps it lasts lifelong. That is why the song, “Ekbar Biday de ma Ghure ashi,Hashi Hashi,porbo fnashi dekhbe jagatbashi” is engraved in deepest part of heart of all elders.That’s why the India system of education practiced by our forefathers since the Vedic period had special emphasis on aspects like: self-control, values, respect to elders, courtesy, good behaviour, etc. However like an AK 47 can be used both ways :to protect your sister OR to murder someone else’s sister; violence, religious bigotry, disrespect and scorn to reverence, etc. can also be as easily indoctrinated into a child’s mind with similar ease. And that too lasts lifelong.
A fertile soil will produce whatever sewed.

Today we are into a world where violence, mass-murder, brutality, gruesome horrific killing of innocents are all over around. Just need to click the buttons of your TV sets or open the newspaper in the morning – you will come across names like: Boko Haram, ISI, ISIS, …. in “action” all over the place. Given such a world-order, it’s all the more important to be caution and vigil about what the children are learning/being taught. They need to know our rich cultural and spiritual heritage alongwith the advances made in science and technology during last centuries. They need to know the pain and sacrifices made in the last century – to make them take birth in a ‘free’ India.

Sadly – things are different on ground.
Today, thanks to the incompetency and indifference (or something else?) of the ruling party in West Bengal, children are confused as to define who actually is a terrorist: Ajmal Kasab or Shaheed Khudiram Bose/Prafulla Chaki. When a class 8 boy/girl opens up the newspaper or the TV set these days – the kid is flooded with information on all sorts of acts of terrorism – killing of children/women by ISIS in Iraq, inhuman gruesome torture of Baloches by Pakistan, kidnapping and rape of school children by Boko Haram, and so on. And many such more.
The impression the child makes and carries through his/her life is : Khudiram Bose, Prafulla Chaki, Binoy Bose, Badal Gupta,Dinesh Gupta,Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru, Chandrasekhar Azad, Jatindranath Mukherjee (Bagha Jatin), and ALL other revolutionaries who sacrificed their lives to free mother India- were ALL like ISIS and Boko Haram.

Oh God ! These are the names which every Indian feels proud to utter. These are the names which purifies a mind when taken in the morning. These are the names which Indian adore and worship.

This is Deplorable ! This is Condemnable !! This is Disgusting !!!
It is reported that the Class 8 text book of West Bengal where Khudiram Bose was depicted as a terrorist was written by a faculty of Calcutta University. It was well-known that during the CPM-era that : right from appointment of Class-IV employees upto appointment of Vice-Chancellor of Calcutta University,decisions used to be taken only in Alimuddin Street. The present party in power seems to be perfected such nepotism in appointment of their stooges. After all such writers who believe that Khudiram Bose/ Prafulla Chaki were terrorists only can depict them to be terrorists. 

She is also reported to be a regular writer of the Urdu Daily “Kalom”,owned by TMC Rajya Sabha MP.This paper is one of the paper which Government recommends to read in state sponsored Libraries. So,there is demand to take stern action on writer who distorted history.

Given the current trend of destruction and devaluation in every sphere of governances, that day may not be far off when Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose would be branded as a “Maobadi” or for that matter RishiAurobindo would be branded as a “HinduTerrorist” or a “Murderer” !
Swami Vivekananda used to be revered and worshipped by all the revolutionaries of Bengal during the days of freedom struggle. It is said that these revolutionaries who sacrificed their lives to free India, used to carry two things: The Bhagavat Geeta and Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda.
Won’t be surprising at all if Swamiji is branded as a “Master Terrorist” someday by the present government. After allHe was the revolutionary of the revolutionaries.And given a chance to such writer responsible for calling Khudiram a terrorist ,Osama bin Laden or Hafez Saeed or Khalid Shaikh Mohammed may be raisedup the ladder of adornment, silently.
It is joked around that when there is cloud in China, the Communists in Bengal unfolds their umbrellas. As long as they are jokes (really?) its fine. However the present government seems to have gone far ahead.

One may recall a number of anti-National events unfolding in recent past such as :
·         5-fold increase of influx of illegal Bangladeshis,
·         flourishing cow-smuggling to Bangladesh along the border,
·         threatening/committing atrocities/ thrashing  Nationalist political forces, etc.

It pushes to wonder whether it’sreally incompetency/mis-governanceORit’s a remote-controlled government with quite a few buttons lying in the hands of elements closer to Pakistan/ISIS/Jihadis (knowingly or unknowingly).
Like an ostrich feels safe in hidingits head into sand when threatened by its predator keeping the entire body exposed– so does the writer; giving-in to choose the option of incompetency and mis-governance to label the present West Bengal Government. As of now though.
After all, suspecting the ulterior (ill) motive of the present party in power running the government in West Bengal by giving-in/partnering in the long term plan of weakening, breaking, balkanizing India- isscary.
It does send chill down the spine.


  1. The issue of indoctrination with a purpose detrimental to the Country is seen in many places now days. Bengal seems to be no exception. Really scary.

  2. The professor must be sacked from duty

  3. Ground work for recruitment for HuJI, IM, LeT, JeM.... ???
