Tuesday, July 29, 2014

U, Me, Us

The streets are alight with decoration to celebrate Eid today. Durga Puja is just round the corner and one can faintly hear the footsteps of Christmas. More than any other city or town, we, in Kolkata pride ourselves on the inclusive society that we have built over the years. We cherish this religious and cultural history constantly through our food and literature.

This interweaving of common struggles and heritage is a delicate fabric. It has to be nurtured and protected at all costs. Inclusivity is the order of the day as we continue to march towards more integrated societies. Tolerance of all people and faith in the fundamental goodness of all people is a must. It is very easy to get lost in political rhetoric and stereotypes.

“U”+ “Me” make an “Us”. One cannot live without the other. Today on the occasion of Eid, let’s pledge toward building a more welcoming society in Bengal.

1 comment:

  1. Quite right. Inclusivity and harmony among different stratas of people are all the more need of the time. We should not only say "Me" and "U" but say us. its a welcome thought.
