Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Common One

What does progress mean to you?
There are days when the political rhetoric simply does not make any sense. As any person trying to eke out a decent living in the state, these are a few of the common wishes from a common one.
1. Have a job to go to so that one can support ailing aging parents. There is no wish for a top of the salary but enough to live on comfortable with a small amount set aside for rainy days. The pay package should not be 50% below the market value of the skill set!  
2. Get a public transport bus at regular intervals to go to work. Staring into the horizon for a bus to come is very lonely and disheartening exercise indeed. Paying exorbitant shuttle fare is burning a hole in the already limited resources.
3. Be able to afford a decent phone connection to stay in touch with friends and family.
4. Be able to own a home of our own one day so that one can retire comfortably.
5. Be able to afford a decent standard of living for my family which they deserve.
6. Go on vacations during Durga Puja. The extended family gets together for such trip which are tremendous fun.
7. Be able to see the children graduate from a good school with values that will make them worth human beings and responsible productive citizens.
8. A doctor to rely on in case of health crisis. A affordable hospital which ensures proper attentive care of its wards.
9. Proper roads so that the body aches less after a long gruelling day at work.  
10. Safety for the family and especially for the women in the family on road and late night outs.
11. Less power cuts during the long harsh summers.
12.  Grow old watching grandchildren enjoy the world as we had enjoyed - unconditionally loved and care free.