Saturday, January 31, 2015

ভারতের স্বাধীনতা আন্দোলনের অপ্রকাশিত ইতিহাস

আমরা ক্ষুদিরামকে সন্ত্রাসবাদী উল্লেখ করে অষ্টম শ্রেনীর পুস্তকে নতুন ইতিহাস সংযোজিত হতে দেখেছি আবার পুস্তকমেলায় কবিগুরু রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর এবং শেক্সপীয়ার ,কিটস এর আত্মিক সম্বন্ধের নতুন ইতিহাসের আভাস পেয়েছি l এর মধ্যে শ্রী জয়দীপ চৌধুরী আমাদের কাছে পাঠ্যপুস্তকের নতুন ইতহাসের কল্পনা করে রচনা পাঠিয়েছেন l আশা করি পাঠকরা  আনন্দ পাবেন 

ব্রিটিশ অধীনস্ত ভারত তখন।।

চারিদিকে ব্রিটিশ দের অত্যাচারে জর্জরিত গোটা দেশ।

বিদ্রোহ ঘোষনা করে ইংরেজদের বিরুদ্ধে লড়াইএ নেমেছে সিধু-কানহু-ডহর। ওদিকে অহিংসাবাদী গান্ধী আমরণ
অনশনে বসেছে। এমতাবস্থায় গান্ধীর শারীরিক অবস্থা নিয়ে উদ্বিগ্ন মমতা দেবী নবান্নে ডেকে পাঠালেন
রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুরকে জরুরী মিটিং এর জন্য। মিটিং এ তিনি রবি ঠাকুরকে অনুরোধ করলেন গান্ধীকে যে করেই
হোক বুঝিয়ে শুনিয়ে অনশন ভঙ্গ করাতে। কথামতন রবী ঠাকুর হাজির হলেন গান্ধীর অনশন মঞ্চে। দীর্ঘ আলোচনার
পর তিনি গান্ধীকে রাজী করালেন এবং তারপর নিজের হাতে তাকে মুসাম্বী, বেদানা, আপেলের রস খাওয়ালেন।

ওদিকে ক্রমশ: বেড়ে চলেছে ইংরেজদের অত্যাচার। সিধু-কানহু শহীদ হয়েছে, ডহর পলাতক।চিন্তিত মমতা দেবী এক গোপন বৈঠক
ডাকলেন ডেলো পাহাড়ের ওপর এক গুপ্তস্থানে। বৈঠকে হাজির রবি ঠাকুর, তেনজিং নোরগে সহ আরো কিছুমমতা দেবীর কাছের লোক।
সেই মিটিং এ মমতার বুদ্ধিতে রবি ঠাকুরের নেতৃত্বে তিন জনের একটা কমিটি গঠন হলো। কমিটিতে রবি ঠাকুর ছাড়াও
ছিলেন বিশিষ্ট সাংবাদিক কুনাল ঘোষ এবং ইন্ডো-ইংল্যান্ড বিসনেস ফাউন্ডেশনের চেয়্যারম্যানতথা বিশিষ্ট শিল্পপতি সুদীপ্ত সেন মহাশয়। 
সিদ্ধান্ত হলো ওই কমিটি ইংল্যান্ডে যাবে, এবং রানী ভিক্টোরিয়ার সাথে সাক্ষাৎ করে ভারতীয় দের ওপর ইংরেজদের অত্যাচারের
ঘটনা টা তুলে ধরে একটা স্মারকলিপি জমা দেবে।

এর তিনদিন পরই কোলকাতা বিমানবন্দর(আধুনা নেতাজী সুভাষ চন্দ্র বোস ইন্টারন্যাশানাল এয়ারপোর্ট)
থেকে "সারদা এয়ারলাইন্স" এর বিমানে তিন সদস্যের ওই কমিটি রওনা দিলো লন্ডনের
উদ্দ্যেশ্যে। খারাপ আবহাওয়া, প্রাকৃতিক দূর্যোগের কঠোর বাধা টপকে পাইলট রাকেশ রোশন তার
অভিজ্ঞতাকে কাজে লাগিয়ে যথাসময়ে বিমান পৌছে দিলো লন্ডনে।

সেখানে পৌছে পূর্ব নির্ধারিত কর্মসূচী অনুযায়ী বাকিংহাম প্যালেসে তারা রানী ভিক্টোরিয়ার সাথে সাক্ষাৎ করে ওনার কাছে সমগ্র
ঘটনা তুলে ধরলো,এবং স্মারকলিপি জমা করে বেড়িয়ে আসলো। 
ঠিক এই সময়েই রবি ঠাকুরের সাথে দেখা হয়ে গেলো আর এক বিশিষ্ট লেখক এবং বন্ধু কিট্স এর সাথে।
পুরানো বন্ধুর সাথে বহু বছর পরে সেই সাক্ষাতে আপ্লুত কিটস রবি ঠাকুর এবং বাকি দুই সদস্যকে জোর
করে নিয়ে গেলেন তার বাড়ীতে। সেখানে আর এক কান্ড । কিছু ব্যাক্তিগত দরকারে কিটস কে বারবার
মোবাইলে ফোন করে না পেয়ে অগত্যা তার বাড়ীতেই হাজির হয়েছেন প্রবীন লেখকশ্রী শেক্সপীয়ার মহাশয়। 

কিটস ওনার সাথে পরিচয় করিয়ে দিলো তার অভিন্নহ্রদয় বন্ধু রবি ঠাকুরের। এরপর বসলো চায়ের আসর। সমসাময়িক
(তৎকালীন) লেখা থেকে শুরু করে Dan Brown, Chetan Bhagat এর লেখা,শ্যামাসঙ্গীত,
পল্লীগীতি থেকে Emniem, Pitbull, Yo Yo Honey Singh কে নিয়ে চর্চা, কি ছিলোনা সেই আড্ডাতে। আড্ডার
ফাঁকেই কিটস এবং শেক্সপীয়র এর "মুখোমুখি সাক্ষাৎকার" নিয়ে নিলেন কুনাল ঘোষ। কিটস আর শেক্সপীয়র এর
অপ্রকাশিত কিছু গান এবং কবিতার সংগ্রহ নিয়ে CD প্রকাশের ইচ্ছা প্রকাশ করলেন সুদীপ্ত সেন মহাশয়। বিষয়
টা নিয়ে সিরিয়াসলি ভাবনা-চিন্তা করার কথা বলে সুদীপ্ত সেন কে ধন্যবাদ জানালেন দুজনেই।

এবারে দেশে ফেরার পালা। কিন্তু রবি ঠাকুর রয়ে গেলেন লন্ডনেই.. নো- বেল পুরষ্কার বিতরন অনুষ্ঠানে যোগ
দেওয়ার জন্য। দেশে ফিরেই কুনাল আর সুদীপ্ত মমতার সাথে সাক্ষাৎ করলেন, এবং বাকিংহাম প্যালেসে রানী ভিক্টোরিয়ার
সাথে আলোচনার ঘটনা টা তুলে ধরলেন। রানী'র উদাসীনতার কথা শুনে মমতা ক্রোধিত হয়ে ইংরেজ দের বিরুদ্ধে এক বৃহত্তর
আন্দোলনের ডাক দিলেন। সেই ডাকে সারা দিয়ে এগিয়ে এলো সমাজের নানা স্তরের বুদ্ধিজীবি, 
মদন -মুকুল-টুম্পাই- দোলা'র মতন সমাজসেবী আর আরাবুল-মনিরুল-কেষ্টা'র মতন দামাল ছেলেরা। একযোগে তারা বিদ্রোহ
ঘোষনা করলো ইংরেজ দের বিরুদ্ধে । মমতার নেতৃত্বে প্রবল এই বিদ্রোহে কোনঠাসা হয়ে ইংরেজরা আশ্রয়
নিলো চন্দননগরে। সেই সময় চন্দননগরে বিপ্লবের মুখ তাপস পাল। বিশ্বস্তসূত্র মারফত চন্দননগরে ইংরেজদের
সেই গোপন ডেরার খবর পেয়ে তাপস পাল তার ছেলেদের নিয়ে হাজির হলো সেই ডেরাতে। তাপস পাল তার
ছেলেদের ইংরেজদের সেই ডেরাতে ঢুকিয়ে ওদের মা-বোন দের "রেপ" করিয়ে দিলো...গুলি করে মেরে দিলো অনেক ইংরেজ
দের, হাসুয়া দিয়ে মাথা কেটে নিলো।।

অত:পর রাগে, দু:খে,
অভিমানে ইংরেজরা ভারত
ছেড়ে চলে গেলো।।।
ভারতের স্বাধীনতার
ইতিহাসে মমতা দেবীর নাম
স্বর্ণাক্ষরে নামাঙ্কিত হয়ে থাকলো।।

বি:দ্র: জনতার দাবিতে এই হারিয়ে যাওয়া ঐতিহাসিক এই দলিল মা মাটি মানুষ প্রকাশনীর স্টল, কলকাতা পুস্তক মেলাতে পাওয়া যাচ্ছে, আজি নিয়ে আসুন

Thursday, January 29, 2015


আগে তিনি সভাস্থলে ডহরবাবুকে খুঁজতেন,
এখন তিনি অনেক ভাষাতে বই লিখছেন!
তিনি যদি বলেন রবিঠাকুর-শেক্সপিয়ার বন্ধু,
তার অনুগতদের কাছেতো শিক্ষকরা সত্যিই শত্রু।

স্কুলে ভর্তির সময় জন্ম প্রমানপত্র!কি সেটা?
প্রধানশিক্ষকের জুটেছে আভিভাবকদের জুতোপেটা!
যে রাজ্যে অভিযুক্তর উপর পুষ্পবৃষ্টি হয়,
সে রাজ্যে কি শিক্ষকরা সন্মান পায়?

জুতোপেটার প্রতিবাদে কাকদ্বীপের এক সহকর্মী
তার কপালেও জুটল দিদির ভাইদের গণপিটুনি।
গত কিছু বছর ধরে পশ্চিমবঙ্গে শিক্ষাঙ্গন
ভাইদের প্রভাবে হয়ে উঠেছে রনাঙ্গান!

আমাদের পুলিশ সেই রনাঙ্গানে অতিনিষ্ক্রিয় প্রহরী
তারা নাকি এখন করবে গন মাধ্যমের নজরদারি?
হোক নজরদারি, করতে পেরেছ পুলিশকে দলদাস

আন্যায়ের করবই প্রতিবাদ, নইকো মোরা ক্রীতদাস।

Sunday, January 25, 2015

KrishnaGunj,the battle

Krishnaganj (VidhanSabha constituency) is an assembly constituency in Nadia district in West Bengal. The seat is reserved for scheduled castes. Hanskhali (VidhanSabha constituency) ceases to exist from 2011. As per orders of the Delimitation Commission, No. 88 Krishnaganj (VidhanSabha constituency) (SC) is composed of the following:Krishnaganj community development block, and Badkulla-I, Badkulla-II, BetnaGobindapur, Dakshin Para I, Dakshin Para II, Gajna, Mayurhat I and Mayurhat II gram panchayats of Hanskhali community development block.

Since 1977 Krishnaganj, earlier Hanskhali Vidhan Sabha constituency had been a strong forte for the Left as they won all the elections from 1977 to 2006. With the CHANGE Wave swiping West Bengal in 2011, Krishnaganj also got swiped away from the Left. In 2011, Sushil Biswas of Trinamool Congress got 96550 votes and his nearest competitor Barun Biswas of CPI(M) 75,616 votes.

Originally a leftist, Sushil Biswas, christened himself into politics as a CPI (M) leader through its peasants’ wing movements during the late 70s. He joined Trinamool Congress in 2005. Prior to that he was a three-time CPI (M) MLA and district secretary, but sacked for corruption and anti-party activities. He was also arrested on charges of corruption and was behind the bar for about seven months. After joining the Trinamool Congress on the request of Mukul Roy, Sushil Biswas made an unsuccessful attempt as Trinamool candidate in 2006 assembly election when he lost to CPI (M) leader and former state refugee rehabilitation minister Benoy Biswas. In 2011 election, he, however, won as Trinamul Congress nominee from Krishnaganj seat defeating BenoyBiswas.

Sushil Biswas (aged 64) from Krishnaganj (SC) assembly seat died on 20th October 2014 at his home in Dafarpota village near Krishnanagar due to cardiac failure. Biswas, a retired primary school teacher by profession, had been suffering from kidney related problem for about past two years and was under dialysis. Biswas’s death necessitated a bypoll in the Krishnagar Assembly seat. 

Political parties have nominated their candidates for the by-poll which is scheduled on 13th February 2015. Bharatiya Janata Party nominated Manabendra Roy, a Professor at Kalyani University. CPI (M) nominated Apurba Biswas, a doctor by profession. Trinamool Congress nominated Satyajit Biswas, a non-teaching staff of Radhasundari Paul Choudhury Vidyapith at Dakshinpara I gram panchayat. Indian National Congress nominated Nitya Gopal Mondal, a primary school teacher.CPI (M), Trinamool Congress and BharatiyaJanata Party leaders and party-workers are pretty confident to win this by-poll.

We thought of taking an unbiased feedback from few local residents of Krishnaganj and Hanshkhali community development block. What we came to know are, firstly the best organised political party in the block is CPI (M) and is followed by BJP whereas Trinamool Congress has lot of supporters but lacks in organisational part, secondly many from CPI (M) left and joined BJP and in recent times supporters of Trinamool Congress are also getting inclined towards BJP. When asked whether the contest will be in between CPI (M), BJP and Trinamool Congress the feedback was BJP and TMC. Few were of opinion BJP could have mopped up 5000-6000 more votes had they fielded a local candidate, few said CPI (M) have lost ground totally there and few were not happy with TMC’s candidate selection.

After father Sushil Biswas’ death, daughter Sunayana Biswas (Ghosh), a lawyer by profession, got assurance from local TMC leadership that she will be given TMC ticket for by-poll. Along with her five others were recommended by District leadership. But ticket was given to Satajit Biswas.Biswas’s death has necessitated a bypoll in the Krishnagar Assembly seat. 

BJP and TMC filed nomination on same day, on 24th January 2015. TMC candidate went along with their trademark bike-brigade to file his nomination, whereas BJP had 200 strong supporters along with Manabendra Roy when he filed his nomination. Sunayana, daughter of Late Sushil Biswas said that she wants BJP candidate Manabendra Roy to win from Kishnaganj constituency. She herself went sand met Manabendra Roy when Roy was filing his nomination for BJP. Sunayana and Roy had discussion for a pretty long time! Sunayana said, “After my father’s death, Manabendra Babu(BJP candidate) showed unmatched compassion towards our family. I feel he is a gentle man. I wish he gets elected.” She even said to Roy in front of other TMC leaders and workers, “I am with you.”

A rift amongst TMC is now evident with candidate selection. Many are not happy with selection of Satyajit Biswas, as he migrated to India from Bangladesh only a few years back and managed ticket being a close associate of Gaurishankar Dutta, District President, Trinamool Congress. It is also apprehended that Sunayana along with her husband Parthasarathi Ghosh, ex Vice President of District Trinamool Yuva, will join BJP in meeting of BJP at Krishnaganj in front of Rahul Sinha, BJP State President.

Saturday, January 24, 2015


We are sure you must have read our previous article named Bangaon the history & politics . We have described history of the region & politics associated with "Matua".

In 2009, Mamata Banerjee made a fresh alliance with ‘Thakur Bari’ and in return she received Lifetime membership card of Matua Mahasangha. By striking this alliance MamataBanerjee made intangible and tangible gains; intangible gain was the blessings of community leader Binapani Devi Thakur (BoroMaa) and the tangible gains were the votes of the Matua folk, who influence voting not only in the border areas of North 24 Parganas but also in nearly 80 assembly seats in West Bengal.

In 2011 State Legislative Assembly Election Mamata Banerjee gave ticket to Manjul Krishna Thakur, a son of Late P.R. Thakur and he won from Gaighata Legislative Assembly seat. He was given a berth of Minister of State for Refugee Relief in Mamata Banerjee’s cabinet. In 2014 during 16thLokSabha Election, Mamata Banerjee gave ticket to Mr Kapil Krishna Thakur, elder son of Late P.R. Thakur on request of Binapani Devi Thakur (BoroMaa) wife of Late P.R. Thakur. Kapil Krishna Thakur won the election from Bongaon constituency. Everything was going well so far for Mamata Banerjee with her intangible and tangibles gains from Matua Mahasangha.

On 13th October 2014 Kapil Krishna Thakur passed away due to lungs failure at Belle View Nursing Home, Kolkata. Even India’s President wrote a condolence letter to MamataBala Thakur, wife of Late Kapil Krishna Thakur, but none from State Leadership of Trinamool Congress (TMC) went to Thakurnagar to pay last tribute to the dead body of Kapil Krishna Thakur!! Why? When none from TMC paid tribute to BJP leader Late Tapan Sikdar’s body we thought TMC is unaware of political courtesy, but in this case they proved that courtesy in not in the dictionary of TMC, for them a Member of Parliament is a tangible product which is used and thrown away! A note of caution to present TMC MPs, God forbid, if any untoward happen, be ready for such treatment from your party and keep our family prepared accordingly.

The twist in the fairy tale came in January 2015. Manjul Krishna Thakur, brother of Late Kapil Krishna Thakur, and Minister of State for Refugee Relief in Mamata Banerjee’s cabinet, resigned from TrinamoolCongress and joined BharatiyaJanata Party on 15th January 2015 and claimed CBI enquiry for his brother Late Kapil Krishna Thakur’s death! His resignation was a big blow to TMC and Mamata Banerjee.

Unlike Manjul Krishna Thakur, Mamata Bala Thakur, wife of Late Kapil Krishna Thakur preferred to stay back with TMC and she got the TMC ticket to contest the by-poll at Bongaon constituency. Amazing thing came to notice, a massive decline in the declared asset of MamataBala Thakur! 10 months earlier when her late husband, Kapil Krishna Thakur contested in 16thLoksabha Poll, his declared assets valued Rs 5,41,50,000/-, but now while filing her nomination MamataBala Thakur declared the market value of her assets at Rs 94,45,000/- !! Where did assets worth Rs 4,47,05,000/- vanish? Even Mamata Bala Thakur was unable to answer the question! Gold ornaments declared by Late Kapil Krishna Thakur were 749.4 grams, of which 518.5 grams were of MamataBala Thakur’s and 266 grams were of Late Kapil Krishna Thakur’s but 10 months laterMamata Thakur declared 20 grams more Gold ornaments of her own and didn’t declare gold ornaments of her late husband. Many more anomalies were noticed! She declared land of 6.75 acres at a market value of Rs 400,000/- only! Mamata Thakur declared a house built on 3000 sq. ft. of 7000 sq. ft. land at Chandrapur, Maharashtra, at a market value of Rs 23,15,900/- which she declared was bought in 1990 but no such asset was declared by her late husband 10 months back!! According to Late Kapil Krishna Thakur’s affidavit he declared 1200 sq. ft. land at Thakurnagar valued at Rs 50,00,000/- but in MamataBala’s affidavit 8000 sq. ft. land at Thakurnagar at same Mouza is declared at Rs 50,00,000/-Why financial anomalies haunt Trinamool Congress? Is vanishing of Rs. 4,47,05,000/- an error of omission or an error of commission? Or it has anything to do with the money trail enquiry which is presently being conducted by Enforcement Directorate and Central Bureau of Investigation jointly? 

The Harichand Guruchand family entered into a family feud involving the distribution of money which they earn throughout the year by various activities. Total wealth of Thakurbari is anybody’s guess, some says thousand crores and some says few hundred crores! But the feud is not for the accumulated wealth so far, but for distribution of annual income. Annual income revolves around Baruni Fair which is organised at the end of April every year. 40-50 lakhs Matuas visit Thakurbari during that period. The Bhakts offers pranami to BoroMaa, which amounted to 50-60 Lakhs last year! Till last year, two sons, Kapil Krishna and Manjul Krishna gave darshan to their bhakts from their Trust office and they were offered pranamis too by the bhakts, which approximated to another 60-65 lakhs. Approximately another Crore is the income from few thousands stalls which sets up every year on the fair ground. Apart from these they earn another crore from various activities of different branches and organisation of Matuas. It is reported that there is huge irregularity of audit of those money accumulated through Pranami. Members of Matua Mahasangha is very agitated about the fact.which was published in Ei-samay,Bengali version of Times of India

On 13th February 2015, Bongaon will vote to elect its Member of Parliament as it fell vacant with the death of Kapil Krishna Thakur.Thakurbari will see two of its own member as warring contestants in this by poll. TMC has fielded BoroMaa’s daughter-in-law and BJP has fielded BoroMaa’s grandson. Something is grossly wrong at Thakurnagar. Nowadays, the activities of Thakur family are raising many eyebrows in that locality. People of Thakurnagar are still confused, Dulal Halder, a tea stall owner said, "We have never questioned Boroma's judgment but this time we are confused. Why is Boroma still supporting the Saradha tainted Trinamool? There are hundreds of us in Thakurnagar who have lost so much money in various chit funds. Boroma is aware of this."

Friday, January 23, 2015

Tax suggestion-1

We invited readers to put forward individual suggestions on taxation system. We got an email today which we are putting forward as a blog.

Respected Sri Arun Jaitley.

Sir ,I Ankur Barnwal ,a school teacher of a govt school ,want to
share an idea about our country’s taxation system.

It is very funny but true that most of the civilians in our country
wear Hamlet while driving Two-wheeler to avoid harassment from Police
,not to avoid risk of Accident. 
Similarly Most of the Middle-class people pay tax to either avoid unnecessary
harassment of Income tax department or to get the financial benefits from bank 
like Cash-credit loans, subsidy loan, car loan etc.

But they don’t want to give tax with fair mind as there no other benefits by giving 
tax and also not understand that government do the development works by the 
collected Tax amount .It is also true that beside the above benefits there is no
distinction between tax-payee people and non tax-payee people i.e.
both of them gets the same facilities provided by government.

Every year each and every Finance minister try to increase the revenue
collection of tax ,but not reach the desire target, and the result is
govt. unable to fulfill the needs of people. To make the Distinction
between tax-payee people and non tax-payee people ,I wants to share a
suggestions on this.

If possible ,then please tag health insurance benefits to tax-payee
middle class people with different tax slab .Such as;

a.      If a person pay tax above Rs. 1000 ,then he /she and his/her family
will get cashless benefit in health of Rs.50000 for the same financial
year of tax.

b.      If a person pay tax above Rs. 2000 ,then he /she and his/her family
will get cashless benefit in health of Rs.100000 for the same
financial year of tax.

c.      If a person pay tax above Rs. 3000 ,then he /she and his/her family
will get cashless benefit in health of Rs.150000 for the same
financial year of tax.

d.      If a person pay tax above Rs. 5000 ,then he /she and his/her family
will get cashless benefit in health of Rs.250000 for the same
financial year of tax.

e.      If a person pay tax above Rs. 7000 ,then he /she and his/her family
will get cashless benefit in health of Rs.350000 for the same
financial year of tax.

f.      If a person pay tax above Rs. 10000 ,then he /she and his/her
family will get cashless benefit in health of Rs.500000 for the same
financial year of tax.

g.      And so on for the people whose net annual salary not more than 7 or 8 lac .

By Introducing this scheme ,in one hand govt. can make distinction
between tax-payee people and non tax-payee people ,also it helps to
increase the tax collection every year. Also Government gets the option to
open the door of PPP model in health.

Ankur Burnwal,

Bangaon the history & politics

Bongaon Parliamentary Constituency is one of West Bengal's 42 LokSabha constituencies and came into being after the delimitation of the parliamentary constituencies of the year 2009. According to Election Commission of India 2009 data the total electorates in the Bangaon Parliamentary constituency (constituency number 14) were 1,246,979 of which 595,874 are females and 651,105 are males. It belongs to the SC category and has a total of seven legislative assembly segments with 1,246,979 electors. It is one of the 28 constituencies which represent the North 24 Parganas District and the town of Bangaon is the headquarters of Bangaon subdivision. It has an average elevation of 7 m and is 77 km away from the Sealdah Station.

It is situated at the banks of Ichamati River and it is very near to the Bangladesh border.

As per the 2011 census data, the total population of Bangaon is over 110,668 with a male majority of 56,416. Child Population of Bangaon is over 8,452 and the sex ratio is 950 females per 1000 males. Hindus have a 76% majority in the area. With an average literacy rate of 76%, which is higher than the national average, the male and female literacy rates are 55% and 45% respectively. Bengali and English are the official languages here while Hindi is also widely spoken. The road network of the city is connected to the National Highways NH-35.

Muslims have a substantial population in this constituency. Amongst 42 constituencies in West Bengal, 25 constituencies have Muslim population above 20%. Bongaon has 24.2% Muslim population, ie almost a quarter of population. A report published by Business Standard just before 16thLokSabha Poll in 2014 says so. 

Muslims plays a major role in Indian politics. That’s why Muslims are treated as vote bank in India. The Religious heads aslo comes into fray during elections, just before 16thLokSabha Poll in 2014, Syed Ahmad Bukhari, Imam, Jama Masjid said,”the Nation faces danger from communal forces. We should ensure secular votes are not divided.” Appeasement is the trump card which is used by various political parties in India including national parties like Indian National Congress and regional parties like Samajvadi Part in UP, CPI(M) and Trinamool Congress in West Bengal. But political parties like BhartiyaJanata Party (BJP) has chosen a different path as BJP is a strong believer of “SabkaSaath, SabkaBikash” (Development for all along with all)

Another sect has a substantial population in Bongaon, the Matuas, having approximately 1.5 Crores population in Bongaon constituency.

Harichand Thakur, sometimes known as Sri SriHarichand Thakur, was a social reformer in Bengal. He worked among the subaltern population.ShriHari Chand Thakur was born inNamasudra (Namassej) Community in Bengal on 11 March 1811 in Orakandi of Kashianiupazila in Gopalganj, died at Odakandi in 1877.

He was one of six sons of Namasudraor Namassej(then called Chandala) peasant family that was thought to be belong to the Gautama clan (later, the community members agreed to be identified as belonging to Kasyapa clan; in the different census reports of nineteenth century the Namasudras were found to identifying themselves as belonging to four different clans or gotras). Born in 1812 at Safaldanga, Gopalgaunge, his birthname was Sri HarichandBiswas. He moved to Odakandi, Faridpur. At a very early age he accepted the path of religious reformation for giving service to and uplifting the subaltern people of Bengal.He experienced atmadarshan (self-realisation) and preached his ideologies and religious philosophy in twelve commandments and asked his followers to pursue his works. He established MatuaMahasangha. His followers consider him as God (Thakur) Harichand and as an avatar of Vishnu or Lord Krishna .Thus, he became known as Sri SriHarichand Thakur.He preached for education, for uplifting the population and for ending social conflict.Married with one son, Guruchand Thakur, Thakur died at Odakandi in 1877. His son has been the leader of the awakening of namasudra people.

Guruchand Thakur, son of Sri SriHarichand Thakur started Namasudra Welfare Association. He called an All Bengal Namasudra Conference at Duttadanga in the district of Khulna (at present in Bangladesh) in the year 1881. Guruchand Thakur was the President of the conference. Guruchand Thakur advised his people to start schools in the areas densely populated by them. In 1907 he appealed to the then Governor of Bengal and Assam for employment of the Namasudras in government services. His next movement was to remove the disgraceful term “Chandal” (which was then attributed to Namasudra by the higher caste Hindus) from the census report. Hewas successful in the same. The term “Chandal” was removed from census report of 1911.

MatuaMahasangha is not a religious organisation in the ordinary sense of Hinduism. There is no Gurutantra. MatuaMahasangha believes in self-Dikshitisation (self-realization). So anyone who has faith in the Darshan or Philosophy of God Harichand belongs to the MatuaMahasanhga.

Initially the MatuaMahasangha followers or Matuas formed an organisation in Orakandi, Faridpur(Bangladesh). After 1947, followers formed a second organisation inThakurnagar, West Bengal, India. Dr. C. S. Mead, a Catholic Missionary, was involved with the movement. At first, it was very difficult to form the Mandir(place to worship). The Mandir was initially looked after by Thakur's family, but as of 2011 it was managed by a trustee chosen by the followers. The State Government of West Bengal offered the MatuaMahasangha 20 cottah of land to build a research organisation.Followers may be found throughout India and Bangladesh. In some locations, they have worshipping places. In the beginning MatuaMahasangha followed simplified rituals, but later adopted Vaishnabism.

In 1963, P.R. Thakur, descendent of Harichand Thakur, resigned from the Congress and it took him till 1986 to revive the MatuaMahasangha. Thakurnagar in North 24-Parganasbecame the headquarters of the Namasudra refugees from Bangladesh.Many political parties including those of the CPM and Mayavati's BSP have tried to woo the community for political gains. It was Mamata who succeeded in channelizing the huge votebank in her favour.One of the major demands placed before Mamata by the MatuaMahasangha was amendment of the Citizenship Act of 2003. According to community leaders, thousands of Hindu families from Bangladesh were being forced to return after spending decades in India. Many of them have not been able to register their land India in the absence of citizenshipdocuments. Mamata carefully sidestepped the issue and said that she would look into all the demands. "Everything is not within my control. I do not make false promises. I shall do whatever is within my powers." Among the matters within her power is construction of a railway station near the MatuadhamThakurbari. This will be named Sri Dham after the Matua guru, HarichandGuruchand. Mamata said that she had plans for an agricultural or technical university at Thankurnagar. She also inaugurated a computerized reservation system at Thakurnagar station.Mamata also flagged off two ladies special trains to Sealdah one from Bongaon and the other from Canning.

During State Legislative Assembly in 2011 Mamata Banerjee gave ticket to Manjul Krishna Thakur, a son of Late P.R. Thakur and he won from Gaighata Legislative Assembly seat. He was given a berth of Minister of State for Refugee Relief in Mamata Banerjee’s cabinet.

During 16thLokSabha Election in 2014, Mamata Banerjee gave ticket to Mr Kapil Krishna Thakur, elder son of Late P.R. Thakur on request of Binapani Devi Thakur (BoroMaa) wife of Late P.R. Thakur. Kapil Krishna Thakur won the election from Bongaon constituency by getting 555213 votes defeating his competitor Debesh Das of CPI(M) who got 404612 votes. Kapil Krishna Thakur died on 13th October 2014 and to utter surprise none from Tinamool Congress went to offer last respect to him! His death has vacated Bongaon constituency which is undergoing by-election on 13th February 2015.

All political parties are fielding their candidates for this by-election, TMC fielded Mrs Mamatabala Thakur, wife of Late Kapil Krishna Thakur, CPI(M) fielded Debesh Das and BJP fielded Subrata Thakur, son of Manjul Krishna Thakur.

In a recent report published in BartamanPartika, a Bengali daily newspaper in West Bengal, a substantial amount of Matua got irked by people from Thakur family joining politics but their main demand of Indian citizenship is yet to be resolved by any political parties. If at all this issue has to be politically resolved, they will form an independent political party and fight in this by-election. Another division in MatuaMahasangha!

Many a times, in our personal life, we hear from our well-wishers, when things are not favourable for us or during our rough times, “Get back to basics.” A basic for us is “Sabkasaath, sabkabikash.”

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

भाजपा के सदस्य बनने की पद्धति :

भारतीय जनता पार्टी 
भाजपा के सदस्य बनने की पद्धति :
1. मोबाइल फोन से 1800 266 2020 नम्बर पर मिस कॉल कीजिये
2. एसएमएस के मध्यम से 10 अंको का सदस्य संख्या पाइए
                       3. अपना नाम, पता, पिनकोड नम्बर तथा वोटर कार्ड नम्बर एसएमएस करके 
09242492424 पर भेजिए
    अगर एकही परिवारके 3 सदस्य बनना चाहते है और परिवार में 1हि मोबाइलफोन हो, 
       तब 18002662020 नम्बर पर मिस कॉल कीजिये, 10 अंको का सदस्य संख्या पाइए, 
अलग अलग 3 एसएमएस तीनो सदस्यो के नाम, पता, पिनकोड नम्बर तथा वोटर कार्ड नम्बर 
09242492424 पर भेंजे
                        भाजपा की सदस्यता क्यों?
     वामफ्रंट सरकार के लम्बे 34 साल के कुशासन और केंद्र विरोधी संकीर्ण राजनीति का अन्त करके 
     सन 2011 में पश्चिम बंगल में जो परिवर्तन हुआ,उसने पश्चिम बंगालकी जनता के मन में अनेक 
         अशा अकंक्षाओं को जागृत किया था। हमलोगों में से अनेकों ने यह परिवर्तन चाहा था, परन्तुं 2011 
     के परिवर्तन के कुछ दिन बाद के ही लोग चिन्तित होने लगे कि क्या उन्हें वह परिवर्तन मिला, 
          जैसा उन्होंने चाहा था? आज मात्र पौने चार साल के तृणमुल कांग्रेस सरकार के शासन को देखकर, 
     हम सभी निश्चित हो गए हैं कि हमने ऐसा परिवर्तन नहीं चाहा था।
     नारी उत्पी, बालात्कार,जबरन धन वसूली,सिन्डिकेट राज, रजनीतिक दुराग्रह, दलतंत्र,
     शिक्षण संस्थाओं में बाहरी हस्तक्षेप, उद्‌योग विरोधी जमीन आधिग्रहन नीति,
          केंद्र विरोधी संकीर्ण राजनीति एवं पुलिस को दल-चाप्लुशी में बदलने की नीति में 
     वर्तमान तृणमुल कांग्रेस सरकार ने विगत सभी सरकारों को पीछे छोड़ दिया  हें। 
     जिस तरह से एक-एक करके तृणमुल कांग्रेस के नेताओं और मंत्रियों के नाम चीट फण्ड घोटलों 
     के साथ जुड़ रहे हैं, उससे पश्चिम बंगल लोगों का सिर शर्म से झुकता जा रहा है।
      ऐसी परिस्थितियों में पश्चिम बंगाल के लोगों को क्या करना चाहिए?
      1) जिस वामफ्रंट सरकार को 2011 में हटा दिये थे, पुण: उसी के शरण में जाये? अथवा, 
      2) वर्तमान सरकार के नीति को ही श्रेष्ठ नीतिसमझकर उसे मान लेना?अथवा, 
      3) भारत वर्ष के संघीय ढाचे पर विश्वास करके, केंद्र-राज्य के बीच समन्वय बढ़ाकर 
     पश्चिम बंगाल का वास्तविक विकास करना? आशा करता हूँ आप भी पश्चिम बंगाल का 
     वास्तविक विकास चाह्ते हैं। वर्तमान काल में केंद्र में भाजपा की सरकार हैं। 
     आप भी आगे बढ़कर रज्य में भाजपा की शक्ति बढ़ायें, जिससे आगामी किसी भी निर्वाचन में – 
      पौर सभा हो या विधान सभा,भाजपा की विजय हो।आइये विगत 38 साल से पश्चिम बंगाल 
          के  केंद्र विरोधी संकीर्ण राजनीति और कुशासन का अंत करके रज्य में भाजपा की जीत एवं 
     केंद्र में भाजपा सरकार से समन्वय स्थपित करके पश्चिम बंगाल में वास्तविक 
     विकास और सुशासन की प्रतिष्ठाकरें।

                           श्री नरेंद्र मोदीजी के8 सुत्री विकास का मॉडल
      शिक्षा और रोजगार के अवसर            – हर रज्य में IIT,IIMऔरAIIMS  
      बच्चों और महिलाओं के सशक्तिकरण      - बेटी बचाओकर्यक्रम
      शहरी विकास/ बुनियादी सुविधाओं         - 100 स्मार्ट सिटी,जुड़वाँ शहरसंकल्पना,सैटेलाइट शहर,नदियों   
                                         को जोड़ना,बुलेट ट्रेन के लिए स्वर्णिम चतुर्भुज
      मुद्रास्फीति/मूल्य नियंत्रण                - मूल्य स्थिरीकरण कोष,काला बाजारीयोंके लिये विशेष अदालत
      कृषि सुधार                            - कृषि उपज के लिए डाटा बैंक,राष्ट्रीय कृषि बाजार
      सभी के लिए स्वास्थ्य देखभाल          - निवारक स्वास्थ्य देखभाल
       संघीय ढांचे                           - क्षेत्रीय आकांक्षाओं को संबोधित करना
       भ्रष्टाचार निरोधक उपाय                - काला धन वापस लाना
‌‌‌‌‌‌आइये भाजपा के सदस्य बनके देश और पश्चिमबंगाल को मजबूत करने में अपनी भूमिका निभायें
भाजपा पश्चिम बंगाल संवाद सेल द्वारा प्रकाशित